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 Supervisor Elections coming up November 2020

Individuals concerned about water quality and soil erosion in Stevens County should consider filing between May 19 and June 2 to run for the position of Supervisor of the Stevens Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD).

“Supervisors play an important role in how our community deals with a wide variety of resource management issues, including water quality, soil health and conservation of our natural resources,” noted Judy Johnston, Education & Promotion Coordinator at Stevens SWCD.

“Serving as a Supervisor is a great opportunity for people who want a voice in how we manage our environment,” she said. SWCDs are special purpose units of government that manage and direct conservation programs such as the State Cost-Share Program, CREP/RIM program, tree and native grass plantings, rain gardens, etc. An elected board of Supervisors governs each of Minnesota’s 88 SWCDs.

This year, the Stevens SWCD has three Supervisor positions up for election. The general election will take place November 3, 2020. Candidates are elected county-wide, however they will represent and must reside in one of the nomination districts up for election. This year, three districts are up for election: District 1 includes Rendsville, Swan Lake and Framnas townships; District 4 includes Horton, Moore, and Hodges townships; and District 5 includes Morris, Scott and Darnen townships.

SWCD Supervisors serve four-year terms. Supervisors meet monthly to discuss the business of the SWCD, including state grant allocations to landowners, district conservation priorities, coordination with other local units of government and state agencies, and legislative priorities. Supervisors do not receive a salary, but they do receive compensation for attending meetings and are reimbursed for expenses.

If you are interested in running for SWCD Supervisor, you should file through the County Auditor’s office from May 19 through June 2, 2020. This year, filing will take place online. Please see for more info about that, or call the Auditor’s Office at 320-208 -6570. There is a $20 filing fee. Additional information about the Stevens SWCD Supervisor positions can be found on the SWCD website or by calling the SWCD office at 320-589-4886 ext. 4.

Our Mission

The mission of the Stevens Soil & Water Conservation District is to work with county landowners in putting conservation practices on the land and to help all citizens be good stewards of our natural resources.