The native grasses and forbs (flowers) shown here are all part of our CP-25 seed mix, which we use on nearly all our native grass plantings. We’ve found this mix to be the most versatile for the soil types in our area, and the flowers included provide beauty throughout the year.
For more information about planting native grasses on your land, please stop by, call or e-mail Matt Solemsaas today!
Native Grasses
Big Bluestem Warm season perennial | 1.5-6.5 feet Grows in prairies, moist soils, open woods, and roadsides on a wide range of soils. Especially abundant in lowland prairies, wet overflow sites and sandy areas.
Blue Grama Warm season perennial | 6 inches to 1.5 feet Begins growing in mid May. Blooms in late July and flowering culms remain through the summer. Most abundant on the short-grass prairie. Very common drier upland sites and dry prairies. Will be found in sandy or gravelly soils as well as heavy clays and claypans.
Canada Wild Rye Cool season tufted perennial | 2.5-5 feet Begins growth in late April and flowers from June through August. Found in sparse stands along rivers, stream banks, lakeshores, ditches and roadsides, open prairie and disturbed ground. Adapted to a wide variety of soil moistures, but mostly suited to sandy, gravelly, rocky soils.
Green Needle Grass Cool season perennial | 1.5-3 feet Starts growing in late April, maturing in early August and completely cured by mid September. Found on dry soils in prairies and open woodlands. Grows best in loamy to heavy clay soils.
Indiangrass Warm season perennial | 2-6.5 feet Begins growing in mid to late May, heading out in July and August. Commonly grows in lowlands and overflow swales or areas with a lot of moisture. Often associated with big bluestem grass communities.
Little Bluestem Warm season perennial Begins growth in early May and flowers from late July through September. Adapted to a broad range of soil textures, most common in moist lowland prairies, open prairie, open woodlands, and other moist areas. Commonly planted on moist soils due to ability to tolerate flooding for short periods.
Prairie Cordgrass Warm season perennial | 3-8 feet Commonly found in moist areas such as swales and wet prairie, becomes very common in ditches and drainageways. Provides nesting habitat for birds and wildlife.
Side Oats Grama Perennial warm season grass Begins growth in early May and flowers in early July through August. Most commonly found on fine textured soils and weakly developed soils of steeper slopes, often in limestone or chalky soils on dry plains, rocky ridges, open grasslands and hills.
Slender Wheatgrass Cool season perennial bunchgrass | 1-3.5 feet Begins growth in April and flowers from June to August. Found in moist to relatively dry soils along river banks and rolling hills. Most abundant in well-drained medium to fine-textured soils. Somewhat tolerant to alkali soils, moderate levels of drought and long, wet periods.
Switchgrass Warm season perennial | 1.5-4.5 feet Starts growth in early May and flowers from late July through September. Adapted to a broad range of soil textures, most common in moist lowland prairie, open prairie, open woodland and other moist areas.
Western Wheatgrass Cool season perennial | 1-2 feet Begins growth in mid to late April and flowers late June through July. Seeds ripen about 110 days after leaves emerge. Found on moist to dry soils and upland prairie. Grows in fairly dense stands on clay soils and has a high saline-alkali tolerance. Well-adapted to well-drained bottom lands.
Native Forbs (Flowers)
American Vetch Cool season perennial with sprawling vines | up to 3 feet Grows mid-spring to mid-summer. Found in prairies, thickets, open woodlands. Usually in areas that are somewhat moist.
Black-eyed Susan Warm season biennial or short-lived perennial | 1-3.5 feet Begins growth in May and flowers from late June through September. Found growing on disturbed prairies, rangeland, along roadsides and waste areas. Can become a weedy pest, especially on disturbed areas.
Canada Milk Vetch Warm season perennial | Up to 5 feet Grows in summer in moist thickets, low areas in prairies, along streams and along prairie/woodland edges.
Illinois Bundle Flower Cool season perennial | About 3 feet Grows early to mid-summer. Common in disturbed prairies, pastures, sandy thickets and along prairie edges. An important food for livestock and wildlife, used in re-vegetation plantings and prairie restoration.
Lewis Blue Flax Warm season perennial | Up to 1 foot Grows June through August. Found in dry upland prairies, often on hill prairies or sandy soils.
Maximillian Sunflower Warm season perennial | Up to 9 feet Growing midsummer to fall often on exposed rocky slopes, dry prairies, and sometimes in moist sites. Often found in sandy soil.
Partridge Pea Warm season perennial | 3.5 feet Grows summer through fall, most commonly in pastures, fields, prairies and along roadsides, often in disturbed sandy soil.
Purple Coneflower Warm season perennial Grows beginning in May and flowers from June through August. Grows abundantly on most upland soil types. Prefers dry prairies and rocky hillsides with weakly developed soils.
Purple Prairie Clover Warm season perennial | 1-3 feet Starts growing in May and flowers from July through August, settling seed in September.Adapted to a wide variety of soil types. Most common on thin dry soils. Can be found on rocky prairie plains, hillsides, open woods, and roadsides.
White Prairie Clover Warm season perennial | 1-3 feet Begins growth in May and flowers July through August. Common prairies, rocky sidehills, open woodlands and roadsides.
Yellow Coneflower Warm season perennial | Up to 4 feet Starts growing in late spring, flowering through the fall. Commonly found in mesic to dry prairies, on sites with a history of disturbance, in open thickets, along banks and draws in prairies.
Our Mission
The mission of the Stevens Soil & Water Conservation District is to work with county landowners in putting conservation practices on the land and to help all citizens be good stewards of our natural resources.