Fiscal Information

Annual Planning & Fiscal Accountability

The 2023 Stevens SWCD Annual Report was printed as a special edition in the Stevens County Times. Click here to read our review.

Click on the following to learn more about the Stevens SWCD’s annual planning and fiscal accountability.

The Stevens SWCD has adopted the County Local Water Management Plan as it’s comprehensive plan. The county recently extended the existing water plan (see below) indefinitely, because of the pending implementation of the One Watershed One Plan system, which will develop management plans based upon major watersheds instead of along county boundaries.


Stevens SWCD receives several grants from the state that help us deliver conservation programs and provide cost share for projects within the county. Some of these grants are funded by the Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment.

You can click here to visit the Legislative Coordinating Commission website to look up what projects in our county have received Clean Water funding and for more details about how Clean Water funding is spent.

Stevens SWCD also receives state and federal grant funding for work done on behalf of the Pomme de Terre River Association, a joint powers board including SWCD and county representatives from the 6 counties in the Pomme de Terre River watershed. Please visit for information about funding received through this association.

We also receive funding from Stevens County for the administration of the County Local Water Plan and Wetland Conservation Act programs, which are funded through the state’s Natural Resources Block Grant program. Please see the Stevens County’s Environmental Services page for information about these programs.

Our Mission

The mission of the Stevens Soil & Water Conservation District is to work with county landowners in putting conservation practices on the land and to help all citizens be good stewards of our natural resources.