

Woodkes Named Stevens SWCD Outstanding Conservationist 2019

Congratulations to Derek and Darin Woodke of Morris and Kensington for being selected as Stevens County’s Outstanding Conservationists for 2019. Derek and Darin farm the Woodke home farm in Swan Lake Township, as well as farming land in several surrounding townships. They have farmed, working closely with their parents, Steve...
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Stevens County producers make strides towards cleaner water

In Stevens County, 13 farms have been certified with nearly 10,800 acres under the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP). Interest in the program is growing and that tells us local farmers are interested in protecting the land and water resources around us. The MAWQCP is a voluntary program...
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Our Mission

The mission of the Stevens Soil & Water Conservation District is to work with county landowners in putting conservation practices on the land and to help all citizens be good stewards of our natural resources.