2016 Year in Review
Stevens SWCD had another successful year in 2016, helping landowners in Stevens County implement conservation practices that will help protect the natural resources in our area. Click here to read the 2016 Stevens SWCD Annual Review.
2017 Stevens SWCD Board Members
Supervisors Don Huntley and Kirby Hufford retired from the Stevens SWCD board at the end of 2016. Two new supervisors were elected to the board and will begin their terms in January 2017. These new board members are Troy Goodnough and Dennis Feuchtenberger, and they will join existing board members... Read More
General Notice to Control or Eradicate Noxious Weeds
GENERAL NOTICE TO CONTROL OR ERADICATE NOXIOUS WEEDS Notice is hereby given this 15th day of May, 2016, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 18.83, subd. 7, (1992), that all persons in Stevens County, Minnesota, shall control or eradicate all noxious weeds on land they own, occupy or are required to... Read More
Minnesota Corn Growers offering free nitrate screening to help farmers address water quality
(May 2, 2016) — The Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) is encouraging farmers to bring in water samples from wells, ditches, streams or tile outlets for free nitrate screening. The screening is completely confidential and takes about 20 minutes. Nitrate testing is an easy way for farmers to get a... Read More
Check us out on Facebook!
Stevens SWCD now has a Facebook page! Check us out at https://www.facebook.com/stevensswcd Happening today: Stevens SWCD is hosting school presentations teaching 2nd graders in Stevens County about forest animals. The kids are getting the opportunity to meet a salamander, red tailed hawk, bull snake, and porcupine!